Refineries have operations that run daily. These refineries may process gas, petroleum, petrochemical, and even food products. Water is used in these operations to cool equipment, buildings, and materials. To recycle and reuse the water, cooling towers are used to remove the heat from processes and buildings.
Benefits of Cooling Towers for Refineries
Field erected cooling towers are common for energy and industrial companies such as chemical processing plants and refineries. These plants may use open-circuit wet cooling towers to cool the water more efficiently and at a colder temperature than other available technologies.
For oil and gas industries, water is used inside a jacket alongside moving fluids. When the fluids become processed, they retain large amount of heat. With the water jacketed alongside the pipework, the heat transfers from the fluids and into the water. Then the water flows to the cooling tower where the heat is removed. Then the water becomes recirculated back into refinery processes.
Proper water management is vital to refineries. Being able to reuse the non-potable water ensures that it doesn’t reenter the environment and is readily available for production processes. The cooling towers have to be designed to handle the heat load that is generated as well as deal with the possible corrosiveness within the refinery from the liquids and materials that are refined. The cooling towers must also meet or exceed industrial and environmental regulations to limit hydrocarbons as well as drift rate.
Star Cooling Prefabricated Design Towers
At Star Cooling, we design prefabricated cooling towers for refiners and other industries. This method ensures that the cooling tower is made to your industry regulation and can handle the rigorous demands of recirculating heated water at extreme temperatures. To learn more about our prefabricated cooling towers, contact us today.